I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your Berry basket workshop, the Saturday before last. I know I was slow, but in the end I felt I had actually achieved something! You are a great teacher, very patient, very good at giving clear instructions & with obvious enthusiasm for you subject. I really hope to do another workshop sometime. 


 I have attended many of Louise’s workshops and thoroughly enjoyed them all. Louise has the patience of a saint and if you lack a bit of confidence, she will guide you through gently. The groups are small which allows Louise time to support you. I’ve had great fun making everything from Christmas decorations and platters to a real life basket! Louise is extremely knowledgable and professional so you won’t fail to be amazed by what you produce. I can’t recommend her workshops highly enough. 


 Just had to let you know how very much I enjoyed myself on Friday,my very warmest thanks.It was a super day,loved the location and the other ladies were good fun and terribly keen.Really chuffed with my first efforts and it was so lovely working with willow. I have to say you were brilliant at coaching us along and giving us such confidence,such a calming atmosphere. Looking forward to catching up with you again and will keep an eye on your website. Again many thanks. 


 It was brilliant and you are such a great teacher. I am inordinately proud of my basket! Thank you!! 


 Thanks Louise for such a wonderfully absorbing weekend.I had a great time and keep having to go and look at my basket. It has been admired by my husband, brother and sister so far! You are an excellent teacher in my opinion. Thanks again. 


 Thank you so much for the wonderful work shop you gave yesterday. I could see how well planned it was and how you kept everyone going so that we were each able to complete a basket. You were very helpful and encouraging to a mixed ability group! I loved learning about, and experience, using different materials and tools. All held in such a beautiful venue. We had a lovely day. 


 Louise, thank you for a wonderful creative day today. The time flew by, you are a patient and inspirational teacher and I met sone lovely people. . I look forward to attending more of your workshops this year. Many thanks. 


 Just wanted to write to say how much I enjoyed the two-day course we just completed with you - it was such a lovely way to spend time with friends making something I think we were all rather chuffed with - your guidance, patience, and excellent tuition was superb - I knew absolutely nothing about this skill/craft but am so pleased with the result. I shall be recommending you to anyone who asks - and they will - when I show them my lovely basket! You were great company - and the time flew by - such fun! I know we all really enjoyed ourselves - thank you so much. 

Fiona (private group workshop)

 Hello Louise, Sean and I just wanted to thank you again for a fab day yesterday. We really learnt so much from you and were extremely happy with our baskets. This was by far the best workshop we have ever attended…….thanks to you, and is something that we will do again. Already looking forward to December! 

Rebecca & Sean

 You were well organised and made things very clear were encouraging supportive and amazingly energetic in trying to keep us going at a good pace. You couldn't have done more. I would recommend your courses to anyone who wouldn't normally have the opportunity to do something creative or those like self wanting to try a different discipline. I hope to do another. 


 A quick thank you for such a lovely weekend course. It was so interesting to learn something completely different and you were patience personified! The lovely basket I made on your course has been much admired - amazingly, the kids were really impressed and that doesn't happen often these days! 


 I've had nothing but good reviews! Your teaching was very easy to understand and I think you built a lovely rapport with the group. We'll definitely look at another workshop next year. 

Wendy (private group workshop)

 Thank you so much for the wonderful course last Sunday. You are a phenomenal teacher - to get all of us beginners to produce such lovely baskets was, I thought, quite remarkable! I would love to continue learning with you. 


 Just wanted to drop you a note to say lovely to meet you and thank you for running such a great workshop and how much I’ve enjoyed the two days. Chuffed to bits with my basket and can’t believe you got us all to produce something of that size and quality in 2 days. Your method of teaching is so clear, organised and understandable and loved the studio- great space, warm, clean and comfortable. Look forward to joining you for another one in the not too distant future! 


 As I said to you, I will forever be grateful to you for having ignited the spark in me for willow and basketmaking. Not always straight and preferably without measurements and wonky shapes, but always done with so much appreciation and from the bottom of my heart. It makes me so happy! Without your stand at the Weald and Down Christmas Market, the basket I bought there and your postcard about you doing Courses I would not have discovered this love for willow and with that a connection to my Grandad! I am so much looking forward to the next Course with you - you are simply brilliant! So well structured, organised, never ending resource of knowledge, tips and hints and the most lovely person ever! 

Imke (Beginners' Basketmaking Course)